Windows (For HARK Ver.3.x and earlier.)
Thease instructions are for HARK V3.x and earlier.
The instructions for HARK V2.x or earlier are provided here.
Step 1: Get your computer ready to install HARK
- Make sure you have all of the following required software installed in your computer beforehand (予めコンピュータに下記の必要なソフトウエアを全てインストールしてください):
- For new HARK users and or users simply wishing to run HARK, we recommend the environment below that we have confirmed HARK would work properly (HARK初心者の方やHARKをとりあえず動かしてみたい方は、下記の動作確認済みの環境でのHARKの使用を推奨します):
- graphviz-2.38.msi (Graphviz v2.38)
- Anaconda3-5.3.0-Windows-x86_64.exe (Anaconda 5.3 Python 3.7)
- node-v10.13.0-x64.msi (Node.js v10.13.0)
- ChromeStandaloneSetup64.exe (Google Chrome)
- Windows 10 Pro (64bit)
- Windows native packages of HARK and Kaldi
Step 2: Download and run the HARK for Windows Installer
- Latest version (2019/01/11)
- If you have installed the old HARK, uninstall it and install the latest HARK.(古いHARKをインストール済みの場合は、それをアンインストールしてから最新のHARKをインストールしてください)
- For installation, see Installation instruction (in English) or インストール方法のページ (in Japanese)
- Old versions
Optional Installers
- Latest version (2019/01/11)
- Old versions
- Old version of optional packages does not exist yet.
- Limitations
- WIOS: Currently, it supports only RASP, please use AudioStramFromMic node for recording from other devices.
- These are the recording samples for PlayStationEye and Microcone