HARK-ROS Installation Instructions



Choose one of the following versions of ROS.





HARK is open-sourced robot audition software consisting of sound source localization modules, sound source separation modules and automatic speech recognition modules of separated speech signals that work on any robot with any microphone configuration. follow the link to install.

  • For all users
    • HARK Installation Instructions


HARK-ROS adds nodes to the main HARK interface that interacts with ROS (e.g. Topics, Subscribers and Publishers).

HARK-ROS stacks are necessary in order to utilize HARK standard messages (msgs) and server/client (srvs) created by HARK.

Choose one of the following packages depending on your ROS version.

  • For indigo users
    • hark-ros-stacks-indigo
    • hark-ros-indigo


  • For kinetic users
    • hark-ros-stacks-kinetic
    • hark-ros-kinetic


Installation from pre-compiled binaries



    • Register HARK apt repository to install HARK deb packages.
sudo bash -c 'echo -e "deb http://archive.hark.jp/harkrepos $(lsb_release -cs) non-free\ndeb-src http://archive.hark.jp/harkrepos $(lsb_release -cs) non-free" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/hark.list'


    • Setup the GPG key.
wget -q -O - http://archive.hark.jp/harkrepos/public.gpg | sudo apt-key add -


    • node.js installation.
curl -sL https://deb.nodesource.com/setpu_6.x | sudo -E bash -
sudo apt-get install -y nodejs


    • HARK server re-indexing.
sudo apt-get update


HARK and HARK stacks (harkfd, hark-ros-<ROS version>, hark-ros-stacks-<ROS version>) installation (Choose one of the following command lines depending on your ROS version).

  • For indigo users
sudo apt-get install harkfd hark-ros-indigo hark-ros-stacks-indigo


  • For kinetic users
sudo apt-get install harkfd hark-ros-kinetic hark-ros-stacks-kinetic


Important Notes

If you want to utilize HARK Topic Message please

source /opt/ros/<ROS version>/stacks/setup.bash

You will need to run this command every time you open a new command shell or you can add it to the bashrc.


Change the ROS version

If you change the ROS versions, install the corresponding HARK-ROS packages by following the instructions below.

  • Remove the installed HARK packages.
sudo apt-get remove harkfd hark-ros-<ROS version> hark-ros-stacks-<ROS version>

<ROS version> means the “OLD” ROS version such as “indigo”, “kinetic”, etc…


  • Install the HARK packages for new ROS version.
sudo apt-get install harkfd hark-ros-<ROS version> hark-ros-stacks-<ROS version>

<ROS version> means the “NEW” ROS version such as “indigo”, “kinetic”, etc…


Installation from source compilation (Optional)

Supported Environment


  • OS
    • 32bit/64bit Ubuntu 14.04 or later


  • ROS
    • ROS indigo
    • ROS kinetic


Step1 : ROS Installation

Choose one of the following versions of ROS.




Step2 : HARK-related ROS Stack Installation

Notes:hark-ros-stacks-<ROS version>-2.4.0 or later allows the packages to be build using catkin_make. If you with to utilize any version below 2.4.0 please follow this link HARK-ROS Installation Instructions (Legacy method for rosbuild users). This is due to the fact that older versions of hark-ros-stacks use rosbuild.

Download the latest hark-ros-stacks-*.*.*.tar.gz from here and unzip. And Comple all packages.

cd Downloads/
tar zxvf hark-ros-stacks-*.*.*.tar.gz
cd hark-ros-stacks-*.*.*

The “*.*.*” describes the package version.

You can either copy the entire workspace (hark-ros-stack-<ROS version> file) paste it to any desired directory OR you can copy the packages inside the SRC file (hark_common_msg & hark_stacks) and paste it to your own workspace inside the SRC file. Then simply run the following command.



Important Notes

if you want to utilize HARK Topic Messages please

source /opt/ros/<ROS version>/stacks/setup.sh

You will need to run this command every time you open a new command shell or you can add it to the bashrc.


Step3 : HARK Basic Package Installation

Here, the source compilation of only hark-ros package is explained.
We assume that the HARK basic packages (such as harkfd, flowdesigner-0.9.1-hark) are installed by pre-compiled bineries.

sudo apt-get install harkfd


hark-ros package is installed by source compilation in the next subsection.


Step4 : hark-ros Package Installation

To install hark-ros, we need source codes of both hark-ros and harkfd.

Firstly, move to your preferred directory to download source codes.



Download the latest hark-ros-*.*.*.tar.gz from here and unzip them.

tar zxvf hark-ros-*.*.*.tar.gz


Compile and install the source codes.

cd hark-ros-*.*.*
./configure --prefix=/usr/local --with-hark-inc=/usr/include/hark --enable-ros; make clean; make ; sudo make install;

The “*.*.*” describes the package version.

Here, we need header files of harkfd with –with-hark-inc option.

If you haven’t set FLOWDESIGNER_PATH in ~/.bashrc, use the following command to activate this package.

echo "export FLOWDESIGNER_PATH=$FLOWDESIGNER_PATH:/usr/local/lib" >> ~/.bashrc


Change the ROS version

If you change the ROS versions, install the corresponding HARK-ROS packages by following the instructions below.

Recompile the HARK-related ROS stacks.

cd ~/hark-ros-stacks


Compile all packages.



Recompile and reinstall the source codes of the hark-ros package.

./configure --prefix=/usr/local --with-hark-inc=/usr/include/hark --enable-ros; make clean; make ; sudo make install;

The “*.*.*” describes the package version.


Check the installation

To check the HARK-ROS installation, follow this section.

Run HARK-designer in a new terminal.


Then, you will find a browser is opened.

HARK-ROS modules can be found at the following location inside the newly opened GUI.

Preferences > Packages > hark-ros.def


Preferences > Version > HARKROS *.*.* (Revision:*)

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