TD-BD-16ADUSB Installation Instructions
This instruction is an alternative approach to install a kernel module for TD-BD-16ADUSB.
We recommend you to read the manual and try to use the sample program included in TD-BD-16ADUSB.
If you can record by using TD-BD-16ADUSB, you don’t need to install the following module.
Installation from Source Compilation
TD-BD-16ADUSB can be installed by source compilation.
Run the following commands for install TD-BD-16ADUSB driver to your system.
sudo apt-get update # install the source of kernel module for TD-BD-16ADUSB sudo apt-get install tdbd16ad-source # compile the source and install sudo m-a --text-mode a-i tdbd16ad #install the TD-BD-16ADUSB library sudo apt-get install libtdbd16ad