Overwrite a specified subvector of a Vector<ObjectRef> with a specified value.
No files are required.
When to use
This node is used to overwrite a specified subvector of a Vector<ObjectRef> with a specified value. The data type of the specified value will be converted to the suitable one depending on the ObjectRef of the Vector<ObjectRef> given as the input.
: any type. Note that the supported data types are Vector<int> , Vector<float> , and Vector<complex<float> > .
: any type. Note that the supported data types are Vector<int> , Vector<float> , and Vector<complex<float> > .
Parameter name |
Type |
Default value |
Unit |
Description |
0 |
The element index of the Vector given as the input to specify the first element of the subvector on which overwrite. |
0 |
The element index of the Vector given as the input to specify the last element of the subvector on which overwrite. |
0 |
The value with which overwrite a specified subvector. The data type will be converted to the suitable one depending on the ObjectRef of the Vector<ObjectRef> given as the input. |
0 |
The value for the imaginary part with which overwrite a specified subvector when the ObjectRef of the Vector<ObjectRef> given as the input is the complex type. |
false |
Enable or disable to output the overwriting status to standard output. |
: int type. The element index of the Vector<ObjectRef> given as the input to specify the first element of the subvector on which overwrite. The default value is 0.
: int type. The element index of the Vector<ObjectRef> given as the input to specify the last element of the subvector on which overwrite. The default value is 0.
: float type. The value with which overwrite a specified subvector. When the INPUT is Vector<int> , the type will be converted to the int type. When the INPUT is Vector<complex<float> > , the value will be for the real part. The default value is 0.
: float type. The value for the imaginary part with which overwrite a specified subvector when the ObjectRef of the Vector<ObjectRef> given as the input is the complex type. The default value is 0.
: bool type. Setting the value to true outputs the overwrite status to the standard output. The default value is false.
\begin{tabular}{l} OVERWRITTEN\_ MIN:1, \\ OVERWRITTEN\_ MAX:2, \\ OVERWRITE\_ VALUE\_ REAL:9 \end{tabular} |
\begin{tabular}{ccc} $<$ 1 ~ 2 ~ 3 ~ 4 $>$, & $<$ 3 ~ 4 ~ 5 ~ 6 $>$, & $<$ 5 ~ 6 ~ 7 ~ 8 $>$ \end{tabular} |
\begin{tabular}{ccc} $<$ 1 ~ 9 ~ 9 ~ 4 $>$, & $<$ 3 ~ 9 ~ 9 ~ 6 $>$, & $<$ 5 ~ 9 ~ 9 ~ 8 $>$ \end{tabular} |