A filtering node which filters the multiple sound source separation results given as the input to output results that satisfy the conditions specified by parameters based on the information (ID, power , direction) in the Source . Regarding ID or power of a sound source, output the sound source whose ID or power is the minimum, the maximum, or within a certain range specified. Regarding the direction of the sound source, output the sound source whose direction is in the nearest to the specified angle, or angle within a certain range specified.
No files are required.
When to use
This node is used to obtain the sound source separation results when the information on ID, power, or direction of the sound source is available. It is useful to output some portion of data in the Map type. For example, when replaying the output result of sound source separation nodes such as GHDSS in PlayAudio . In this case, connect Synthesize and MapSelectorBySource to GHDSS node so that sound sources in different directions with Lch and Rch can be played separately.
Typical connection
Figure 6.105 shows a connection example. As shown in the figure, this node is connected later than the sound source separation module such as GHDSS .
: Map<int, ObjectRef> type. The key of the Map , int , corresponds to the sound source ID since this node is connected to after a sound source separation node in general. The ObjectRef is either Vector<float> (Power Spectral) or Vector<complex<float> > (Complex Spectral) which are indicating sound source separation.
: Vector<ObjectRef> type. The directions of sound sources to which ID are assigned. The ObjectRef refers to data in the Source type indicating the sound source information with an ID.
: Map<int, ObjectRef> type. The data that satisfy conditions specified by parameters.
Parameter list |
Type |
Default value |
Unit |
Description |
ID |
The filter condition for outputting data. Select ALL, ID, POWER, DIRECTION(∗), DIRECTION_AZIMUTH, or DIRECTION_ELEVATION. |
The type of the sound source ID. Select LATEST, OLDEST or BETWEEN. |
0 |
The lower limit of the range for the sound source ID. |
0 |
The upper limit of the range for the sound source ID. |
The type of the sound source power. Select HIGHEST, LOWEST or BETWEEN. |
0 |
The lower limit of the range for the sound source power. |
40.0 |
The upper limit of the range for the sound source power. |
The type of the direction of a sound source. Select NEAREST or BETWEEN. |
0 |
[deg] |
The direction angle of a sound source. |
0 |
[deg] |
The lower limit of the range for the direction angle of a sound source. |
360.0 |
[deg] |
The upper limit of the range for the direction angle of a sound source. |
The type of the azimuth angle of a sound source. Select NEAREST or BETWEEN. |
0 |
[deg] |
The azimuth angle of a sound source. |
0 |
[deg] |
The lower limit of the range for the azimuth angle of a sound source. |
360.0 |
[deg] |
The upper limit of the range for the azimuth angle of a sound source. |
The type of the elevation angle of a sound source. Select NEAREST or BETWEEN. |
0 |
[deg] |
The elevation angle of a sound source. |
0 |
[deg] |
The lower limit of the range for the elevation angle of a sound source. |
360.0 |
[deg] |
The upper limit of the range for the elevation angle of a sound source. |
false |
Prints the debug message of this module if set to true. |
: string type. The filter condition for outputting data. Select ALL, ID, POWER, DIRECTION(∗), DIRECTION_AZIMUTH, or DIRECTION_ELEVATION. Selecting ALL outputs all results unconditionally. When selecting ID, POWER, or DIRECTION(∗)/DIRECTION_AZIMUTH/DIRECTION_ELEVATION, outputs results that satisfy the conditions specified by the subsequent parameters for the sound source ID, the sound source power, or the sound source direction.
: string type. The type of the sound source ID available when ID is selected in the SELECTION_TYPE parameter. Select LATEST, OLDEST, or BETWEEN. Selecting LATEST or OLDEST outputs the results of the sound source with the latest ID or the oldest ID. Selecting BETWEEN outputs the results of which ID are in between the values specified in ID_RANGE_MIN and ID_RANGE_MAX parameters. When multiple sound sources satisfy the condition, output the results of the multiple sound sources.
: int type. The lower limit of the range for the sound source ID available when BETWEEN is selected in the ID_SELECTION_TYPE parameter.
: int type. The upper limit of the range for the sound source ID available when BETWEEN is selected in the ID_SELECTION_TYPE parameter.
: string type. The type of the sound source power available when POWER is selected in the SELECTION_TYPE parameter. Select HIGHEST, LOWEST, or BETWEEN. Selecting HIGHEST or LOWEST outputs the results of the sound source with the highest power or the lowest power. Selecting BETWEEN outputs the results whose power is in between the values specified in POWER_RANGE_MIN and POWER_RANGE_MAX parameters. When multiple sound sources satisfy the condition, output the results of multiple sound sources.
: float type. The lower limit of the range for the sound source power available when BETWEEN is selected in the POWER_SELECTION_TYPE parameter.
: float type. The upper limit of the range for the sound source power available when BETWEEN is selected in the POWER_SELECTION_TYPE parameter.
: string type. The type of the direction of a sound source available when DIRECTION is selected in the SELECTION_TYPE parameter. Select NEAREST or BETWEEN. Selecting NEAREST outputs the result whose direction is located in the nearest to the angle specified in the DIRECTION parameter. Selecting BETWEEN outputs the results whose direction is in between the specific values specified in DIRECTION_RANGE_MIN and DIRECTION_RANGE_MAX parameters. When multiple sound sources satisfy the condition, output the results of multiple sound sources. (∗)
: float type. The direction angle of a sound source available when NEAREST is selected in the DIRECTION_SELECTION_TYPE parameter. (∗)
: float type. The lower limit of the range for the direction angle of a sound source available when BETWEEN is selected in the DIRECTION_SELECTION_TYPE parameter. (∗)
: float type. The upper limit of the range for the direction angle of a sound source available when BETWEEN is selected in the DIRECTION_SELECTION_TYPE parameter. (∗)
: string type. The type of the azimuth of a sound source available when DIRECTION_AZIMUTH is selected in the SELECTION_TYPE parameter. Select NEAREST or BETWEEN. Selecting NEAREST outputs the result whose azimuth is located the nearest to the azimuth specified in the AZIMUTH parameter. Selecting BETWEEN outputs the results whose azimuth is in between the specific values specified in AZIMUTH_RANGE_MIN and AZIMUTH_RANGE_MAX parameters. When multiple sound sources satisfy the condition, output the results of multiple sound sources.
: float type. The azimuth angle available when NEAREST is selected in the AZIMUTH_SELECTION_TYPE parameter.
: float type. The lower limit of the range for the azimuth angle of a sound source available when BETWEEN is selected in the AZIMUTH_SELECTION_TYPE parameter.
: float type. The upper limit of the range for the azimuth angle of a sound source available when BETWEEN is selected in the AZIMUTH_SELECTION_TYPE parameter.
: string type. The type of the elevation of a sound source available when DIRECTION_ELEVATION is selected in the SELECTION_TYPE parameter. Select NEAREST or BETWEEN. Selecting NEAREST outputs the result whose elevation is located in the nearest to the elevation specified in the ELEVATION parameter. Selecting BETWEEN outputs the results whose elevation is in between the values specified in ELEVATION_RANGE_MIN and ELEVATION_RANGE_MAX parameters. When multiple sound sources satisfy the condition, output the results of multiple sound sources.
: float type. The elevation angle of a sound source available when NEAREST is selected in the ELEVATION_SELECTION_TYPE.
: float type. The lower limit of the range for the elevation angle of a sound source available when BETWEEN is selected in the ELEVATION_SELECTION_TYPE.
: float type. The upper limit of the range for the elevation angle of a sound source available when BETWEEN is selected in the ELEVATION_SELECTION_TYPE.
: bool type. Prints the debug message of this module if set to true..
DIRECTION and DIRECTION_AZIMUTH, choices in the SELECTION_TYPE parameter, are compatible. The DIRECTION parameter and the AZIMUTH parameter are compatible. The DIRECTION_RANGE_MIN parameter and the AZIMUTH_RANGE_MIN parameter are compatible so are the DIRECTION_RANGE_MAX parameter and the AZIMUTH_RANGE_MAX parameter.