From a multi-channel correlation matrix, get only the specified channel data in the specified sequence.
In what case is the node used?
From the multi-channel correlation matrix that was input, using this when channels not required are to be deleted, or the channel sequence is to be exchanged, or when the channel is to be copied.
Typical Examples
Figure. 6.19 shows a usage example for the CMChannelSelector node. The input terminal is connected to a correlation matrix calculated from CMMakerFromFFT or CMMakerFromFFTwithFlag , etc. (type is Matrix<complex<float> > type, but to handled a correlation matrix, convert the three dimensional complex array to a two dimensional complex array and then output).
Parameter |
Type |
Default |
Unit |
Description |
<Vector<int> > |
Specifies the channel numbers to be output |
: Matrix<complex<float> > type. Correlation matrix for each frequency bin. M-th order complex square array with correlation matrix inputs NFFT/2+1 items. Matrix<complex<float> > indicates the row of frequency (NFFT/2+1 rows), and column of complex correlation matrix (M∗M columns).
: Matrix<complex<float> > type. Same as INPUTCM.
: Vector<int> type. No default value (<Vector<int> >). Specifies the channel numbers to be used. Channel numbers start from 0.
Example: From 5 channels (0-4), specify <Vector <int> 2 3 4> when using only channels 2, 3, 4. When exchanging the 3rd channel and 4th channel, specify <Vector <int> 0 1 2 4 3 5>.
From a correlation matrix containing a complex three-dimensional array of input data of size k×M×M, extract only the correlation matrix of the specified channel, and output the new complex three-dimensional array of data of size k×M×M. k is the number of frequency bins (k=NFFT/2+1), M is the number of input channels, and M′ is the number of output channels.