This chapter describes the data types used FlowDesigner and HARK . Users need to be aware of HARK data types for the following two cases.
Setting the properties of a node
Connecting between nodes (inter-node communication)
Data types used for setting node properties
The data types that can be currently set as a property of a node are the following five types.
Type |
Meaning |
Data type level |
Integral type |
Primitive type |
Single-precision floating point type |
Primitive type |
String type |
Primitive type |
Logical type |
Primitive type |
Object type |
FlowDesigner -specific type |
Subnet parameter type |
FlowDesigner -specific type |
Since HARK uses the basic C++ data types for int , float , string and bool , their specifications conform to C++. Data types particular to FlowDesigner are Object and subnet_param . Object is the generic name for data types in FlowDesigner . In HARK , Vector or Matrix are types of Object s that can be set as properties. As described later, since all types except for primitive types are Object s, any class whose values are able to be specified using text-type input can be used as a property. Even a primitive type can be designated as an Object by wrapping it in an Object (e.g. <Int >, for example). subnet_param is a special data type that is used for sharing one parameter with a label between multiple nodes.
Data types used for connections between nodes
Connection of nodes (inter-node communication) is achieved by connecting lines between the terminals of two nodes (indicated as a black point on the left and right of a node) in the GUI of FlowDesigner . Data types used in such cases are as follows.
Type |
Meaning |
Data type level |
Any type |
FlowDesigner -specific type |
integral type |
Primitive type |
Single-precision floating point real type |
Primitive type |
Double-precision floating point real type |
Primitive type |
single-precision floating point complex type |
Primitive type |
Double-precision floating point complex type |
primitive type |
Character type |
Primitive type |
String type |
Primitive type |
Logical type |
Primitive type |
Array type |
FlowDesigner object type |
Matrix type |
FlowDesigner object type |
Integral type |
FlowDesigner object type |
Single-precision floating point real type |
FlowDesigner object type |
String type |
FlowDesigner object type |
Complex type |
FlowDesigner object type |
Logical type (true) |
FlowDesigner object type |
Logical type (false) |
FlowDesigner object type |
object type (nil) |
FlowDesigner object type |
Object reference type |
FlowDesigner -specific type |
Map type |
HARK -specific type |
Sound source information type |
HARK -specific type |
The any data type is a discrete data type containing various data types and is defined specifically in FlowDesigner . Since the C++ primitive data types are used for int , float , double , complex<float> , complex<double> , char , string , bool , their specifications conform to C++. When a user attempts to use a primitive type as an Object , it is converted into GenericType<T> automatically and can be treated as a class with the first letter in upper case, as a subclass of Object , such as Int and Float . String and Complex , however, are not GenericType and they are defined as std:string and std:complex, respectively. Likewise, they are used when string and complex are used as an Object type. In this way, a data type defined as a subclass of Object of FlowDesigner are called "FlowDesigner object type". TrueObject , FalseObject and nilObject are also defined as Object s that correspond to true, false and nil, respectively.
The types used most often as FlowDesigner objects are Vector and Matrix . These are FlowDesigner object types that basically conform to the same data types in the C++ STL. ObjectRef is a FlowDesigner -specific data type that is realized as a smart pointer for object types and is often used as elements of Vector , Matrix and Map . Map also conforms to the C++ STL and is a HARK -specific data type, not FlowDesigner . Source is a HARK -specific data type, defined as a sound source information type.
is displayed at the bottom of the screen in FlowDesigner by focusing the cursor on a terminal of the node for which the user wishes to know the type. Figure 4.1 shows an example of focusing on an AUDIO terminal of a AudioStreamFromMic node. The message "AUDIO (Matrix<float> Windowed wave form). The row indices specify the channel, and the column indices are time" is displayed at the bottom of FlowDesigner , describing that the AUDIO port supports Matrix<float> , Windowed wave forms are output, and that the matrix rows indicate channel and the columns indicates time.
Terminals can be successfully connected when the data types of the terminals are the same. This is shown by black arrows when attempting to connect them. When a user connects terminals without meeting this condition, the connection is displayed with red arrows as a warning. The following section describes details of the above for each of the primitive type, FlowDesigner object type, FlowDesigner -specific type and HARK -specific type.