This node converts Matrix<float> type and Matrix<complex<float> > type data into Map<int, ObjectRef> type data.
No files are required.
When to use
This node is used when the input is connected to nodes that accept only Map<int, ObjectRef> type, such as PreEmphasis , MelFilterBank or SaveRawPCM .
Typical connection
Figures 6.77 and 6.78 show connection examples for the MatrixToMap node. In Figure 6.77, the speech waveform data is taken from microphones in the AudioStreamFromMic node, necessary channels are sorted in the ChannelSelector node and Matrix<float> type data are converted into the Map<int, ObjectRef> type using the MatrixToMap node.
The output is connected to the SaveRawPCM node, and waveforms are saved as files. Figure 6.78 shows the usage of Map<int, ObjectRef> type to obtain waveform spectra as a Map<int, ObjectRef> . The MultiFFT node can be connected to either side of MatrixToMap .
Matrix<float> or Matrix<complex<float> > types.
Map<int, ObjectRef> type. The structure of the same ID for input data.
Parameter No parameters.
ID Values of ID are always 0.